Didn't I just post about school starting? And now, here we are at the end of another school year. Both kids had a fantastic year. I can't believe we are finished with First Grade and three year old preschool. Every year, as I get our teacher gifts ready for the last day of school, I am amazed by what an incredible job my children's teachers do. They work so hard everyday. It is evident in my children's enthusiasm as they get ready for school every morning as well as the work they bring home.
Lucy did a great job at her closing program. She sang the Butterfly Song, the Bumble Bee Song, and Four Voices. Here she is with her friends Layla and Onnika. When we say our prayers, she always has to pray for her friends Kyle and Ella and all of the little girls in her preschool class. We will certainly miss our friends this summer.
Close to being stumped with this one!
5 weeks ago